Welcome To KMHA
Hello, and welcome to my website. I am so excited that you have decided to stop by, as I have so much to tell you about my english school project, Kirkwood Mental Health Assistance. I have spent countless hours and sleepless nights putting together this project of mine, and I am very excited to share it with you. Keep reading on to find out more about my project and what it can do for you.

Why did I choose this?

I have always been intrigued by the subject of this project, and wanted to explore it further. Taking on this task gave me the opportunity to conduct serious research and produce high-quality work. Moreover, while documenting the entire process, I learned a lot about various methodologies and testing techniques. I’m thrilled about the result, and look forward to the next challenge.
Segment of Interview I
Therapist Jeff Brenneman
Segment of Interview II
Social Worker/Counselor Ms. Grega

Who is this run by?
This site is not run by Kirkwood School District officials, but rather me, a former student wanting to help. I decided on making this to be my senior project, but it kind of became more to me. I want to help everyone the best that I can, and this site is one way of doing that. My name is Morgan O'Connell, and I am a graduate from Kirkwood High School. If you have any questions at all, you can contact me with information near the bottom of this page. Please send any questions, concerns, or ideas for what I could to to make this site more helpful. Thank you!
Contact Me
I hope you enjoyed reviewing my project - please get in touch if you want to hear more or if you have any questions! Just fill out the contact form below, and I'll respond as soon as I can.

"The only mistake you can make is not asking for help."